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Neurophysiology - Page being updated

Description of activities/aims:

Il Laboratorio di Neurofisiologia è collocato presso l’aula Modigliani del Dipartimento di Psicologia e prevede due postazioni
- una dedicata all’acquisizione dei dati comportamentali e neurofisiologici (piattaforma iMotion)
- una dedicata alla misurazione del campo visivo (Analizzatore di campo Humphrey 3 (HFA3).

Tools available


Accessing the lab

Access to the lab is given to teaching staff, research students with grants, PhD students, interns, enrolled students, employees and authorised staff. 

Access is authorised by the Lab Manager after having filled in a form that can be downloaded in the ‘Moduli’ (Forms) section (Lab Access Form) or from the Lab Manager’s office. This form must be signed by the person requesting access, the teacher they are working with and then countersigned for authorisation by the Lab Assistant Manager where the research will take place.

Authorisation cannot be for longer than three months, but can be renewed as many times as necessary. As outlined in the General Regulations, authorised access to labs is determined by the University’s Bio-ethics Committee’s approval of the research project. This approval is not necessary for the preliminary phase of testing the equipment or preparing the experimental setting.

Access to the lab can be booked via the online calendar and upon the Lab Assistant Manager’s approval.







Olga Dal Monte


Last update: 15/03/2022 13:21
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