Inas Daher
PhD student
- Department of Neurosciences "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- SSD: M-PSI/02 - psychobiology and physiological psychology

- n/d
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- -Office in Italy: Department of Neurosciences, Giustetto's Lab
Corso Raffaello 30, 10125 Torino, Italy-Office in France: CNRS UMR5529, Institute of Cognitiv Sciences (ISC)
Team disorders of the Brain, Leaded by Angela SIRIGU
67 Boulevard Pinel, 69500 Bron, France -
- Contacts VCard
- Department of Psychology
- Dipartimento di Neuroscienze "Rita Levi Montalcini"
- Dipartimento di Psicologia
Curriculum vitae

Selected research products
- Review on neuromodulators alterations in ASD animal models : in progress
- First paper about 2D study: in preparation
Research topics
Investigating the Oxytocinergic & Vasopressinergic systems in regards to Autistic features in CDKL5 mouse model
My hypothesis for this PhD project is that OT and AVP imbalance is responsible for the social
deficits and autistic symptoms, and is potentially contributing to their sexually dimorphic
manifestation. This is currently being tested in a multilayered study that consists of mapping the AVP and OT
hypothalamic systems in ASD mice models in the context of:
1) Characterizing OT and AVP systems in CDKL5 KO vs WT mice brains
2) Given the fact that most studies include exclusively male mice, our aim is to compare these
networks in both sexes in order to decipher the sexual dimorphism in ASD
3) In different developmental stages to tackle the critical developmental phases of these
networks where future interventions and/or early diagnosis could take place ( Madrigal and
Jurado, 2021)
This is being realised using 2D and 3D immunohistochemistry techniques on mice brains and will be followed by a behavioral study.
Research groups
Activities in agenda
Academic positions pro-tempore
Joint PhD Student: University of Torino, Italy - University of Lyon, FranceOffice hours
Full time PhD student