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Psychometric and data analysis laboratory

Description of activities/aims:

The psychometric and data analysis laboratory consists of several software packages usable for:

  • the construction and validation of measurement instruments
  • applying multidimensional scaling techniques for the production of mental maps
  • estimating dependence models with latent and/or discrete variables
  • developing new mathematic and statistical algorithms

Tools available:

MPLUS ( is a software with several functionalities for the analysis with latent variables: confirmatory and exploratory factor analysis, structural equation modelling, IRT models, growth models, longitudinal mixed models, multilevel analysis, Bayesian analysis and Monte Carlo simulation.
MPLUS includes algorithms suitable for missing values management and bootstrapping, for doing multi-group analysis. It can handle both continuous and categorical variables. It has a graphic interface, the Mplus diagrammer.).

LISREL ( allows estimating structural equation models (SEMs), confirmatory factor analysis and path analysis. It can be used for analysis of variance, multilevel and growth models. LISREL comprehends algorithms for missing values management and bootstrapping; and it allows conducting multi-group analysis. Moreover, LISREL allows using both continuous and categorical variables. It has a companion package, PRElis, designed to serve as a data pre-processing tool. LISREL was the first software designed for SEM analysis; it has a graphic interface and several diagnostic measures (measures of fit). Command language and output visualization are based on the language of matrix algebra.

WINSTEPS ( is a software used for the estimation of unidimensional models belonging to the Item Response Theory (IRT) measurement approach: Rasch model, Partial credit and Rating Scale models. It furnishes several diagnostic measures, such us infit and outfit measures for each individual and item, statistics for checking the assumption of unidimensionality and local independence, tools for conducting a Differential Item Functioning (DIF) analysis.
WINSTEP allows using only one estimation method, the Joint Maximum Likelihood Estimation (JMLE), called also UCON (Unconditional maximum likelihood estimation).

FACET ( is a software for the IRT unidimensional models estimation that allows managing complex data structures including several combinations of respondents, items, tasks and judges (facets). Moreover, it is possible to evaluate biases and interactions connected to these different facets. It is possible to analyze both dichotomous and ordinal items.

NEWMDSX ( is a library of programs for multidimensional scaling (Indscal-S, Mrscal, Minissa, Pindis) and  unfolding (Mdpref, Mini-rsa). It includes also programs for correspondences (Corresp) and cluster analyses (Hiclus, Bbdiam). Some of these programs allow using Minkowski metric.

STATA ( is a general purpose statistics package with advanced algorithms usable for complex survey design analysis, panel design and time series analysis and for processing limited dependent variables models.

GAUSS ( is a programming environment with several pre-written, customizable programs to conduce both standard and complex data analyses, for example, to solve the nonlinear programming problem subject to general constraints on the parameters or to compute algorithmic derivatives.

Comprehensive Meta Analysis, CMA ( is one of the most used and complete software for meta-analysis. CMA permits to perform meta-analysis with fixed and random effects using graphical display, and to perform meta-regression models with continuous and categorical moderators. CMA is compatible with several effects-size indicators (e.g., odds ratio, risk ratio, standardised means differences, and correlations) and the presence of numerous groups and outcomes. Moreover, this software includes several diagnostic tools for the evaluation of publication bias. 

Accessing the lab

Access to the lab is given to teaching staff, research students with grants, PhD students, interns, enrolled students, employees and authorised staff. 

Access is authorised by the Lab Manager after having filled in a form that can be downloaded in the ‘Moduli’ (Forms) section (Lab Access Form) or from the Lab Manager’s office. This form must be signed by the person requesting access, the teacher they are working with and then countersigned for authorisation by the Lab Assistant Manager where the research will take place.

Authorisation cannot be for longer than three months, but can be renewed as many times as necessary. As outlined in the General Regulations, authorised access to labs is determined by the University’s Bio-ethics Committee’s approval of the research project. This approval is not necessary for the preliminary phase of testing the equipment or preparing the experimental setting.

Access to the lab can be booked via the online calendar and upon the Lab Assistant Manager’s approval.



Opening hours

  • Mon-Fri 9.00-13.00



Silvia Testa



Last update: 25/02/2019 17:10
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