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The department of Psychology  has three governing bodies, each of which is in charge of one area of research or teaching: Departmental council  (il Consiglio di Dipartimento) the Head of Departement  (Il Direttore) and the Executive Committee (la Giunta)

The following bodies also contribute to running the Department: 

The Research Committee (RC) advises the Executive Committee, the Departmental council and the performance review bodies. It cooperates with the drafting of the yearly and 3-year Plan, as well as assessing our scientific and cultural projects. The RC promotes the efficient use of Dep. staff and resources in relation to specific objectives while also promoting international exchanges. 

The Teaching Committee (TC) plans and coordinates the Dep's teaching activity, advises the Executive Committee and Departmental council as well as the performance review bodies. The TC cooperates with the RC in drafting the Psy's yearly and 3-year Plan. 

The Departement has also established a Reassessment Team (RT) which includes the Director, the Deputy Director for Research, a Spokesperson and two members of the RC. The RT drafts evaluates the research activity of the department and reports to the RC.

The DP employs technical and administrative staff who supply the department with the general and technical expertise for Research and Teaching, libraries, IT support and the management of laboratory equipment. Furthermore, the Dep uses the Inter-departmental Service Centre (CS) for administrative and accounting. Further information is available under the heading "Organization" and in the "Services and Facility Section".

Last update: 21/02/2019 14:19
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